Tag Archives: Girl

Let’s not forget Ben Sanchez

Perma-Am Ben Sanchez, as seen here in Chocolate’s Las Nueve Vidas De Paco, was probably the least celebrated of the Chocolate (and maybe even Girl/Chocolate) team. His subtle and efficient style, quick push, and consistent lines were always tossed into the middle of the video, and he didn’t have the camera-mugging of a York or the popularity of a Gino. But I always appreciated his parts and think they stand out even more when singled out from the entire full length via youtube.

Even better is his part in Mouse:

Brian Anderson – Yeah Right! – 2003

Brian Anderson has given us a lot. Starting with an as-yet unsponsored front blunt down Hubba Hideout through two Toy Machine parts, a Sheep Shoes part he somehow failed to reminisce about on the Nine Club, a SOTY, a Transworld Part, that whole first openly gay professional skateboarder (who isn’t a woman) thing, and, most importantly, his part in Girl Skateboards 2003 film Yeah Right.

The skating is just enormous and powerful. Ty Evans hadn’t gone off the deep end with his editing and camera gimmicks yet, the music selection is tops, and Brian hadn’t yet developed his affinity for bonelessing into all his tricks.

That rollercoaster bluntslide after the 3-up-3-down line is my favorite trick in the part.